my blog.... DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!


im bored as hell

now i hate bloging it's so boring but a good way to relieve stress (for me anyway). as u (the reader) can see if i wrote that im borede or anything that has to do with boring stuff u should kno i was releiving my boredness with my blog. how conveineint (however u spell it). anyway in some other post i posted i described that im goin to get a job. well i did!!!!! and it's the best i get paid at least 200 dollars every 2 weeks. just for working at a daycare. the daycare looks like garbage, but i never seen or been to it so i dont really kno how it is run. the good thing about working at a daycare is that u can go on trips and u can brings some friends. on the first week i probably might go on a trip, i might not because im new. but hey at leat im gettin paid.

i also visited the cooolest website (click on the word website).